23\/01\/2025 - Wishing you all a very Happy and healthy 2025.....what's happening in January at Cooking on the Bay<\/a><\/div>
23\/12\/2024 - Seasons Greetings, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025<\/a><\/div>
08\/11\/2024 - The Cooking Class Program is now available here in this newslter, plus on the website and all my booking platforms<\/a><\/div>
19\/08\/2024 - The Moroccan cooking class at Kureelpa was fabulous. Classes are filling up, so plan now for Spring and Summer. I am off back to France cooking!<\/a><\/div>
20\/05\/2024 - Last minute spaces in the Moroccan Spices cooking class this Saturday 25th May<\/a><\/div>
29\/04\/2024 - Autumn is one of my favourite seasons...see what's in season and what cooking classes are coming up!<\/a><\/div>
19\/02\/2024 - There are unexpectedly two places in both this weekend's classes, the Italianicious cooking class and the Masterclass in Stocks, Sauces and Soups.<\/a><\/div>
08\/02\/2024 - The beginning of a fresh, new year - 2024! January holidays are over and and classes have resumed!<\/a><\/div>
21\/11\/2023 - Cooking Class Program of Dates for 2024<\/a><\/div>
09\/11\/2023 - Cooking class dates for the remainder of 2023; Partners' Luncheon Program; Corporate and Private Groups welcome; Morocco Beyond the Bay 2024<\/a><\/div>
08\/09\/2023 - There are a few places available in these 2 Italian Cooking Classes<\/a><\/div>
19\/06\/2023 - The June Winter Solstice is nearly here, winter vegetables, class availability, the Road to Morocco is on its way. Coronation Quiche proves a winner.<\/a><\/div>
11\/05\/2023 - Morocco Beyond the Bay, Mother's Day Gift Vouchers, Masterclass Stocks, Sauces, Soups<\/a><\/div>
21\/04\/2023 - Autumn days herald in the new season's produce<\/a><\/div>
23\/01\/2023 - Happy New Year and welcome to a new Cooking Class Year<\/a><\/div>
01\/11\/2022 - Gift Vouchers to be booked and Coffee Capsules giveaway<\/a><\/div>
03\/10\/2022 - The Cook Real Food - Low Carb and Healthy Fat Program Cooking Class is this Sunday 9th October\u00a0 and there are unexpectedly 3 places NOW available<\/a><\/div>
13\/09\/2022 - The Moroccan Exotic Spices of the Medina Cooking Class is this Sunday 18th September and there are unexpectedly 3 places available - NOW<\/a><\/div>
16\/08\/2022 - French Odyssey and Bistro Desserts Full-Day Cooking Classes -\u00a0 3 and 4 September - 2 places in each available NOW<\/a><\/div>
26\/07\/2022 - This weekend, Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 July, is last opportunity for you to attend the HALF-DAY French Desserts cooking classes - 2 places each day.<\/a><\/div>
31\/05\/2022 - This Saturday 4th June, 2 unexpected places are available in the Spanish Cuisine \u2013 Inspirations from the Camino made possible due to Covid!<\/a><\/div>
26\/05\/2022 - Italianicious \u2013 Cooking with Passion Cooking Class is happening at Kureelpa in June \u2013 Saturday 18th June at 9am - bookings are open<\/a><\/div>
20\/05\/2022 - Places are available in Italianicious cooking class on 28th May and in the Mediterranean - Touch of Spice on 29th May 2022.<\/a><\/div>
12\/05\/2022 - What fun we had with Cooking on the Bay at Kureelpa; nine enthusiastic cooks, my original Kitchen Steward, the first class in 12 years; a big success!<\/a><\/div>
06\/04\/2022 - Special Event Cooking Class at On the Ridge Cooking School, Kureelpa Qld. Spanish Cuisine \u2013 Inspirations from the Camino,\u00a0 Saturday 23 April, 8.45 am<\/a><\/div>
09\/02\/2022 - Cooking on the Bay\u00a0 - 2 places available this Saturday 12th February at 8.45am for the Mediterranean - Touch of Spice Cooking Class<\/a><\/div>
31\/01\/2022 - Cooking on the Bay\u00a0 - Welcome 2022 and our new cooking year!<\/a><\/div>
07\/12\/2021 - Cooking on the Bay\u00a0 - Season's Greetings and the end of 2021; plus recipes for Christmas treats to make at home<\/a><\/div>
22\/10\/2021 - Cooking on the Bay\u00a0 - Cooking Class Program for 2022<\/a><\/div>
03\/10\/2021 - Cooking on the Bay\u00a0 - Spring and the ushering in of a new life!<\/a><\/div>
16\/09\/2021 - Stock - Beef stock making one of\u00a0 the foundations of cookery -<\/a><\/div>
06\/09\/2021 - New recipe booklet; hot off the Press!\u00a0 Here are a few favourite recipes from Tonya\u2019s cooking classes at Cooking on the Bay for you to cook at home!<\/a><\/div>
31\/08\/2021 - Goodbye to our last day of winter! Looking forward to a better Springtime<\/a><\/div>
11\/08\/2021 - Cooking on the Bay\u00a0 - The Cooking School is currently closed for the moment<\/a><\/div>
22\/07\/2021 - Moules\u00a0Marini\u00e8res and all about mussels -\u00a0Moules Marini\u00e8re is the classic famous French mussel dish from Brittany, NW France...<\/a><\/div>